Friday, December 23, 2011

Proposed 2012-2013 library budget suggests closing departmental libraries

Proposed library budget suggests closing departmental libraries;  See page 45.:

The initial $295,000 cut for the University Libraries listed above could be achieved by keeping key staff and faculty positions vacant, thus avoiding some layoffs. However, the depth of the cut required at 5% would not be possible without a sizeable number of layoffs. The closing of the four Departmental Libraries – Architecture and Fine Arts, Education, Journalism, and Music – would provide the ability to eliminate staff salaries, OPS budget, and Operations budget, reducing expenditures by just over $500,000. The services and the majority of the collections of these libraries would be incorporated into Library West, with some materials going to off-site storage. Education students and faculty would see the most negative impact as they are furthest from Library West, but all students and faculty in these areas would be adversely affected. This incorporation of additional materials and use of Library West by hundreds of additional students, without additional staff, would place the branch at or beyond capacity, and would remove the potential of improving the current shortage of study and collaboration space. This is an unsatisfactory solution, but is indicative of the severe impact a 5% cut would have on library services.


From: Russell,Judith
Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2011 2:16 PM
To: Library Council
Cc: Strawn,Grace E
Subject: Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Budget Review: The George A. Smathers Libraries

The Fiscal Year 2012-2013 Budget Review for the George A. Smathers Libraries has been posted in the IR@UF and is now available at:

My thanks to everyone who contributed to producing this document. It provides a clear explanation of, and strong support for, the Libraries budget. Hopefully we will once again be successful in protecting (and perhaps even expanding) our budget!

Happy Holidays!


Judith C. Russell
Dean of University Libraries
George A. Smathers Libraries
University of Florida
535 Library West
PO Box 117000
Gainesville FL 32611-7000

Phone: 352-273-2505
Mobile: 202-262-6501

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